6.DVIJA GANAPATI :Dvija Ganapati is the colour of the moon...he represents the disciplined life.
7.SIDDHI GANAPATI :Siddhi Ganapati represents achievement and self-mastery.
8.UCCHISHTA GANAPATI :Ucchista Ganapati is the guardian of culture and considered "Lord of blessed offerings".
9.VIGHNA GANAPATI :Vighna Ganapati is the Lord of the obstacles and is bedecked with jewels.
10.KSHIPRA GANAPATI :Kshipra Ganapati is the bestower of books.
11. HERAMBA GANAPATI :Heramba Ganapati is the five-faced,"protector of the weak".
12. LAKSHMI GANAPATI :Lakshmi Ganapati is considered the giver of success.
13. MAHA GANAPATI :Maha Ganapati blesses devotees with prosperity.
14. VIJAYA GANAPATI :Vijaya Ganapati is cosidered the bestower of success.
15. NRITYA GANAPATI :Nritya Ganapati is portrayed in a dancing pose under the kalpavriksha tree.
16. URDHVA GANAPATI : Urdhva Ganapati is gold complexioned and blesses devotees with intelligence.
17. EKAKSHARA GANAPATI :Ekakshara Ganapati is seated on his mushika in the lotus position.
18.VARADA GANAPATI :Varada Ganapati,the boon giver,has the third eye of wisdom.
19.TRYAKSHARA GANAPATI :Tryakakshara Ganapati is the Lord of three letters- (A-U-M).
20. KSHIPRA PRASADA GANAPATI :Kshipra Prasada sits on a kusha grass throne.His belly signifies the manifest universe.
24. UDDANDA GANAPATI : Uddanda Ganapati is the bold enforcer of Dharma.
25. RINAMOCHANA GANAPATI :Rinamochana Ganapati is the remover of humanity's bondage.
26. DHUNDI GANAPATI : Dhundi Ganapati symbolises perfection and has a pot of precious gems in his hands.
Ganesha is considered to be the son of Parvati.So he is called Parvati,Uma or Gauri putra or suta(son).He occupies a position at par with Parvati and Karttikeya-"devasenapati".
The Bhakti Ganapati is a pleasant faced Ganesha. He has a garland of flowers around his neck and his hands hold a banana,mango,coconut and a bowl of sweet pudding.
The Third Eye represents disdain for desire;the indifference for things that are desirable as well as things that are undesirable.
Lord Shiva is commonly known as the destroyer of evil.
Ganapati appears for the first time in the Rig Veda where Brahmanaspati is given the title of Ganapati," The Lord of Ganas",'gananam tva ganapatim havamahe'.
Indian Scholars maintain, on the basis of mantras in the Rig Veda,Krishna Yajur Veda and Taittiriya Aranyaka,that in the Vedas Ganesha was known as Brahmanaspati.
2. TARUNA GANAPATIJust a thot(very brief)....By Varun Grover
Dance and theatre .... The two invigorating art forms
According to me, every satisfied human being gets different degrees of contentment from various activities;God is the innate spirit, the fountain of hope, the source of all positive energy and happiness, & the creator of a masterpiece, we call nature. He is the inner voice of a sane and conscientious man highlighting the fine line of difference between right and wrong in the materialistic world.
It is my opinion, that there are no exceptional people who attain a 'higher level' of spirituality as compared to others. The very belief that God has created all of mankind, empowers each individual to form their own personal spiritual bond with God.
There is no need of intermediaries in a person's relationship with God.
I feel that messengers of God are those few people who take time out from the ordinary business of their lives to make the world a better place to live in for those less fortunate than themselves; who see the misery of others even amidst a period of personal joy...
Beyond that it could not be more insignificant to me if that kind and charitable soul calls God by the name of Ram, Allah, Jesus , Buddha or Nanak. To me he/she is someone to be revered: someone who embodies the qualities of benevolence, charity, mercy and forebearance......the very purpose for which God created man.
A true devotee of God is not one who spends a good part of his time engaged in religious rites and ceremonies; but one who toils to earn his bread and then chooses to render a hand of love and support to someone in need.
The road to heaven is not paved by denying another human being the right to live or worship the supreme being but in living a harmonious and selfless life in which kindness towards others lies above all else.
If God could tell us what He felt, I believe He would have said " I love not that man who prays for himself, but I love that angel who prays for others."
Lastly I would like to say that God lies in your mind and soul. Your heart is your temple , your brain is your shrine.