On our return from Dar Es Salaam, my brother and I joined the DPYA school in Dadar Parsi Colony. My memories of D.P.Y.A-- 3 fun-filled years of laughter and learning. Today it seems like viewing through a kaleidoscope which is providing multicoloured memories of all the special,exciting moments of my life.Some of the most nostalgic ones ...
* Catching up with my English teacher,Mrs Mehta in the BEST bus en route to school in the morning--it cheered me up for the entire day.
*Hindi lessons in 10th std with Tripathi Sir--he taught using a most interactive style.
*Rehearsing for the play "The Merchant of Venice"...
* "What's the Good Word?" on stage,Assembly prayers,newspaper headlines,debates,recitals et all.
*'P.T.'--I loved it---playing dodge ball, throw ball,sprints and then rushing in for a drink of water in the water cooler area.
My brightest moonbeam--the main foundation of my life: my three years at The Dadar Parsee Youths Assembly High School.